Call Centre

Life Simplified

Redefining Convenience

We are a professional call centre with a young, competent and vibrant team ready to assist in meeting the needs of our clients. We seek to redefine convenience through our dial an insurance service, the first of its kind in Zimbabwe. We offer motor vehicle insurance, Zinara vehicle licensing, and ZBC radio licensing services.

Feel free to contact us on 08677007491 and experience our world class service while in the comfort of your home or office
with a complimentary free delivery service in and around Harare, Chitungwiza, and Norton.

Through the call centre, we offer motor vehicle insurance (Third Party, Full Third Party and Comprehensive), Goods in Transit insurance, Business, and Property insurance. We also offer Zinara vehicle licensing and ZBC radio licensing services.
Third Party insurance only covers the liabilities to third parties whereas Comprehensive insurance covers both the third party’s liabilities and the insured’s damages.
Accidents happen and maybe it was not your fault. The result of an accident can be injuries or even death. While the owner-driver is covered, passengers are sometimes victims of an unforeseen accident and do not enjoy the benefit of insurance coverage. To address this concern, we offer Passenger Cover in car insurance to cover passengers of the insured car. Passenger Liability Insurance protects a business if you are held liable by the law for the injury or death of passengers that were transported in your business vehicle.
An insurance claim is a formal request by a policy holder to an insurance company for coverage or compensation for a covered loss
or policy event.
A License Reprint is the replacement of a Zinara license disk that is lost, stolen, mutilated or misplaced. You can get a license reprint from our GeneInsure office or at any ZINARA outlets nationwide.


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